Petition 1616 calls for people to be fined up to €250 for dropping a piece of litter, in a bid to clean up public places in Luxembourg. They want a dedicated police division and for communal works to have powers to issue fines. The petitioner also hopes to raise awareness through the petition.
Petition 1617 wants parking to be made free of charge during lunch times and on Saturdays until the end of the year to encourage consumption and counter the negative economic impact of the pandemic on businesses.
Petition 1618 wants to ease access to public school teaching posts in Luxembourg, to ease the teacher shortage in Luxembourg.
Petition 1533 calls for greater transparency when employees are dismissed to avoid employers abusing the system.
Finally, petition 1597 wants an urgent reduction in CO2 emissions by targeting economic relief and aid only at businesses committed to a 1.5°C reduction in CO2 levels.
How to sign a petition
Anyone may sign a petition, provided they are aged 15 or over and have a social security card in Luxembourg.
If the petitions garner 4,500 signatures or more before they are closed for signing, Luxembourg MPs will debate the subject in parliament.
Next public debates
Public Petition 1535 calling for a one-time bonus for all hospital, clinic, medical and nursing home staff for their exceptional commitment in this time of crisis against covid-19 will be discussed in a public debate before the summer break.
The Petitions Committee has not yet validated the signatures of the public petitions concerning 5G (petition 1560), telework (petition 1556) and the opening of schools (petition 1550). These three public petitions have also exceeded the threshold of 4,500 signatures required for the organisation of a public debate. Analysis of the signatures is still in progress.
On 15 July, the petitions committee will meet with four ministers to follow up the public debate on petition 1319 claiming the right to tap water in a restaurant or café. The petition collected approximately 5,100 signatures.