Speaking exclusively to Delano on Friday, minister Claude Meisch explained that discusions between the State and local authority were underway and a final decision would be reached in early 2018. The primary school, which teaches the UK’s Cambridge education curriculum, opened its doors for the first time in a temporary building in Belair in September 2017.
Meisch could not reveal the exact site but said it would provide more space, which could enable the creation of pre-school facilities, a feature which was recently requested by a parent who launched a public petition.
He said he would like to see an English-language pre-school give priority to children who are not native English speaking, to better prepare them to transition into the English-speaking system.
“For English speaking children perhaps it would be better to integrate them into a preschool in a normal public school where they have the opportunity to learn Luxembourgish,” he said.
Wherever the new site is, it would be a temporary measure since the government will soon begin working on a concrete construction plan for both the secondary and primary schools of Lycée Michel Lucius in Kirchberg, close to the RTL building.
“In Limpertsberg we’ve traffic and transport problems because it’s not on the main transport lines for public transport,” he said, adding. “Kirchberg will be better located because now it’s close to a tram station. In future when the tram is extended throughout the city of Luxembourg, it will be accessible from all the different districts. That’s why it will, be an opportunity for Lycée Michel Lucius to be relocated to Kirchberg.”
Minister Meisch estimated that if all goes to plan, the new schools could open in 2025 at the earliest.