The health ovbservatory would, among other things, ensure the health service is keeping up with the population's needs Shutterstock

The health ovbservatory would, among other things, ensure the health service is keeping up with the population's needs Shutterstock

The observatory forms part of bill 7332, for which Francine Closener (LSAP) is rapporteur.

Discussed by parliament’s health committee on Tuesday, the proposed body would monitor the health status of the population and the effectiveness of the health system, keep checks on health professional resources, propose health priorities to the minister, establish a health map and public evaluations and studies. These reports would include a national health report for the population every three years.  

Composed of a council of eight people appointed for seven years, the observatory’s council would include experts in fields such as epidemiology, health systems analysis and demography.

The new bill, which was approved by members of the health committee, also clarifies details related to organ donations. Specifically, it would make it necessary to check the deceased patient’s file or contact a person close to them for information on organ donation wishes.