The FNR will shortly launch a fast-track funding scheme for short-term research projects or the first phase of long-term projects on covid-19 Shutterstock

The FNR will shortly launch a fast-track funding scheme for short-term research projects or the first phase of long-term projects on covid-19 Shutterstock

Comprised of the University of Luxembourg, LIH, LISER, LIST, FNR and the Luxembourg higher education ministry, the group’s covid-19 website offers a centralised platform for projects related to the fight against coronavirus.

Aimed at researchers, different parts of the platform allow researchers to:

Submit project ideas

Browse ongoing projects

Browse submitted open ideas

Share and discuss new ideas.

The FNR will shortly launch a fast-track funding scheme for short-term research projects or the first phase of long-term projects on covid-19. To be eligible, researchers must place short descriptions of project ideas on the covid-19 platform before 8 April. The overall deadline is 13 April. More information can be found here.