Sure, you're not going to learn all 3 national languages overnight. But a good place to start is with an email signoff. Shutterstock

Sure, you're not going to learn all 3 national languages overnight. But a good place to start is with an email signoff. Shutterstock


“Mit freundlichen Grüßen” (with friendly greetings). This can be shortened to "MfG". You can also write “Mit besten Grüßen” (with kind regards).


For formal communications, you might want to sign off with “Sincères salutations” or “Salutations distinguées” (regards). If your email is less formal but still professional, try “Cordialement” (sincerely) or “Bien à vous” (warm regards).


In an email to a government official you don’t know, you might want to sign off with “Mat beschte Gréiss” (with best regards), often contracted as “MbG” or “Bescht Gréiss” or “Mat engem schéine Bonjour”. For a more familiar tone, try “Mat léiwe Gréiss” (with kind regards). Or try “Léif Gréiss” (kind regards) or “E grousse Merci an all Guddes” (a big thank you and all the best).

This article was originally published in the Delano 2020-2021 Expat Guide