Luxembourg had similar results in the ranking to Belgium and Ireland Matic Zorman/archives

Luxembourg had similar results in the ranking to Belgium and Ireland Matic Zorman/archives

According to the 2020 Migration Integration Policy Index (Mipex), Luxembourg scored 64 out of 100, up from 54 in 2015.

“Luxembourg developed a much more comprehensive approach to integration by securing basic rights for foreign and national citizens. All legal residents of Luxembourg now enjoy the right to protection from discrimination based on nationality and the right to birth-right citizenship (jus soli) for the second generation,” the report explained. “In addition, immigrant adults should feel slightly more secure in their right to family life and their path to naturalisation, while their children should benefit from greater support to access higher education opportunities.”

Areas for improvement

Luxembourg scored highly for political participation and anti-discrimination approaches and relatively favourably for education, permanent residence, access to nationality, family reunion and health.

It was weakest in labour market mobility. “Non-EU newcomers enjoy less access and less support to improve their job prospects, professional and language skills in Luxembourg than in most EU or Western European countries,” the report concluded.

Luxembourg had similar results in the ranking to Belgium and Ireland. The report author wrote that with a few improvements, it could enter the top 10, “where immigrants and citizens enjoy equal rights, opportunities and security and the public is encouraged to treat immigrants as their equals, neighbours and fellow citizens.”

Asti recommendations

The association for the rights of migrant workers, Asti, made a number of policy recommendations, which were included in the report and discussed during a televised debate on Monday. Among them, it wants Luxembourg to introduce a temporary residence permit for people with higher education or vocational qualifications seeking work, inspired by the German example.

Discussions revolved around how to encourage greater involvement in communal and European elections, which people may participate in after being resident for five years in the grand duchy, as well as the forthcoming reform of the law on integration. A consultation between government and communes is currently underway.

Integration minister Corinne Cahen (DP) said : “The consultation is underway and I hope starting next year we can have a debate in parliament so that before the end of next year we will have a first draft.”

The Mipex results will be taken into account when drawing up the draft, as will a forthcoming study from the OECD and another study on racism.