Sandra Thein, pictured, is now in charge of Robert Schuman Hospitals Romain Gamba/archives

Sandra Thein, pictured, is now in charge of Robert Schuman Hospitals Romain Gamba/archives

Sandra Thein is now in charge of Robert Schuman Hospitals, the group announced late Tuesday.

The administrative and financial director in post since December 2018 replaces Claude Schummer, who was on "special leave" since 8 March following problems in connection with the vaccination campaign.

On the one hand, the group of four hospitals has admitted to having vaccinated some members of its board of directors early, a case now in the hands of the public prosecutor's office.

On the other hand, accusations of organising a vaccination campaign parallel to that of the authorities have been made in recent days, but refuted by the institution.

"HRS emphasises once again that at no time did the HRS plan a private parallel vaccination campaign," reads their latest statement.

An internal investigation into the accusations

The board of directors denounced "anonymous attacks and malicious insinuations" and reiterated its confidence in the medical directors. It also stated that anonymous allegations of bullying would be investigated internally.

The Robert Schuman Hospitals include the Bohler Clinic, the Kirchberg Hospital and the Zithaklinik in the capital and the Sainte Marie Clinic in Esch-sur-Alzette. 306 doctors and 2,250 employees work in all these structures.

This article was originally published in French on Paperjam. It has been translated and edited for Delano.