Following his resignation as the mayor of Differdange two weeks ago, Roberto Traversini on Thursday morning announced that he will also step down from his post as an MP. In an open letter, Traversini said that the decision to surrender his mandate in parliament was taken after close consultation with family, faction colleagues and party bosses. “My decision was made so that my deputy colleagues in the Green faction can focus on working for the ecological and social renewal of our country,” Traversini wrote. “I cannot undo what I have done. But I want to apologise for it and to look towards the future with optimism and energy.”
RTL says its sources reckon Semiray Ahmedova, who placed ninth in the southern constituency in the October 2018 elections, will replace Traversini on the Déi Gréng benches in the chamber of deputies. Ahmedova is an urban architect in the ministry of sustainable development and infrastructure.