The European parliament building in Strasbourg Shutterstock

The European parliament building in Strasbourg Shutterstock

The elections take place every five years, giving EU citizens in Luxembourg the opportunity to vote for six candidates representing the grand duchy in the European parliament.

The parliament is the only EU institution directly elected by citizens, and parlimentarians decide on matters such as legislation and budget which, in turn, can greatly impact citizens’ daily lives. 

Citizens who reside in Luxembourg but are nationals of another EU member state can, alternatively, opt to vote in their country of origin by contacting their country’s consulate or other appropriate authority. 

Already registered?

As voting is compulsory in Luxembourg, any EU citizen who is registered to vote is already on the electoral roll and, therefore, will need to vote in the upcoming European elections as well.  

This applies even to those who have moved house and changed communes within the country since the last vote.

It is, however, possible to vote via post, but an application to do so must be received in advance by the local commune no earlier than 12 weeks and by latest 2 May if the ballot is to be sent within the grand duchy (16 April if it is to be sent abroad). 

How to register

Registration can be done online via (using a Luxtrust certificate), or by visiting your local commune. 

For more information, visit