Etienne Schneider, pictured, is expected to relinquish his government roles in February 2020 Maison moderne/archives

Etienne Schneider, pictured, is expected to relinquish his government roles in February 2020 Maison moderne/archives

According to, Schneider will relinquish his role on 3 February 2020. In an interview with Paperjam earlier this year, the minister said he was stepping down for a change of air.

Rumours, however, suggest that Schneider may take up a directorship, possibly with Luxembourg-based steel giant ArcelorMittal, where two posts will become available in spring 2020, according to

Paperjam has previously speculated over a successor to Schneider, suggesting party leader Franz Fayot, who was elected party president in January 2019, could be named to the cabinet. The French business publication mooted sport and labour minister Dan Kersch to succeed Schneider as deputy prime minister.