Workshop - Family-friendly

Sunday 19.06.2022

Mark yoga day

 International Day of Yoga  bearmoney/Shutterstock

 International Day of Yoga  bearmoney/Shutterstock

International day of yoga is celebrated on 21 June, but on Sunday 19 June enthusiasts can join a morning of yoga practice.

Organised by the Indian Embassy in Brussels, the Indian Association of Luxembourg and the Fédération Nationale des Ecoles Luxembourgeoises de Yoga, the yoga morning is split into two sessions of 45 minutes each, beginning at 10am and 11am.

Before that, participants can gather for a welcome as of 9am.

Both sessions, conducted by a qualified yoga instructor, are free-of-charge and open to yoga enthusiasts of all levels.  

However, organisers have said that participants need to bring their own hand towel, water bottle and yoga mat and have recommended wearing a white T-shirt. Free t-shirts with an International day of yoga logo will be available on a first come, first served basis. The event is also part of the India at 75 celebrations commemorate 75 years of India's independence.