Going out - Art

Sunday 18.09.2022

Win tickets to see Boiling Point

Stephen Graham reaches Boiling Point Vertigo Films

Stephen Graham reaches Boiling Point Vertigo Films

The lovely folk at the British and Irish Film Festival have given us 5 pairs of tickets to pass on to our readers to see acclaimed restaurant kitchen drama Boiling Point starring the brilliant Stephen Graham.

Directed by Philip Barantini, Boiling Point was initially a short film made in 2019 (and was briefly available on Netflix earlier this year). Now a full-length feature, it retains the original film’s one-take essence.

The plot revolves around one evening in a fine dining restaurant run by head chef Andy Jones (Stephen Graham) and the pressures of producing food of a consistently high standard and pleasing sometimes difficult customers. Pressures that take a toll on the kitchen and front-of-house staff, their interpersonal relationships and mental and physical health

It is another bravura and compelling performance from Graham, but his co-stars – especially Vinette Robinson, Ray Panthaki and Hannah Walters – also deserve credit, as does Barantini for choregraphing real tension in such confined space and time.

The film is being screened as part of the British and Irish Film Festival on Sunday 18 September at 7pm at Ciné Utopia in Limpertsberg.

To enter the draw to win a pair of tickets, simply answer the question below and send your answer to [email protected].

Please include your full name in the email and mark the subject line “Delano Boiling Point contest”.

Which famous gangster did Stephen Graham play in the series Boardwalk Empire?

Al Capone

George “Baby Face” Nelson

John Dillinger

Deadline for entries is Wednesday 14 September at 10am. Winners will be notified by email that morning.