Weekend event - Family-friendly

Saturday 06.05.2023

Summer Space Festival

The Summer Space Festival will feature panels on exploring the solar system and other planets, a panel on science fiction, a panel with astronauts and much more. Photo: Shutterstock

The Summer Space Festival will feature panels on exploring the solar system and other planets, a panel on science fiction, a panel with astronauts and much more. Photo: Shutterstock

It aims to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts and raise awareness around the importance of space in our daily lives.

The festival features accessible and educational activities on space and science. The SSF also promotes opportunities and space innovation in Belgium, northeastern France and Luxembourg by highlighting interregional and European collaborations.

The first day of the festival (5 May) is reserved for schools, students and professionals and requires tickets (). The second day (6 May) is open and free to all. It will include panels on exploring the solar system and other planets, a panel on science fiction, a panel with astronauts, discussions on diversity and much more.

There’s something for everyone to discover. Find more information .