Conference - Innovation / Entrepreneurship
Monday 02.10.2023
Ukraine’s investment potential

Potential investors can discover tools and learn about the investment climate in Ukraine during this event. Photo: Anastasiia Krutota/Unsplash
This event is meant to help investors navigate through information about innovative Ukrainian projects seeking investments.
The innovation sector has an important role in Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s full-scale, illegal invasion and will continue to be key in the future as Ukraine rebuilds, say the event organisers.
This event on Ukraine’s investment potential is being put together by European Business Association together with Global Business for Ukraine, UkrainePlatform asbl, Luxinnovation, Lhoft and Luxembourg’s House of Startups.
The first meeting--“Ukraine’s Investment Potential: New opportunities and tools”--will take place on 2 October, from 11:00-13:30, online and at ArcelorMittal (24-26 Bd d’Avranches, 1160 Bonnevoie-Luxembourg). Scheduled to speak are Vijay Goyal, Svitlana Mykhailovska, Nataliia Anoshyna, Valeriia Kotsur, Thomas Kruck, Sergiy Tsivkach, Mauro Longobardo, Julia Bereshchenko and Artem Rempen.
The second meeting-- “Ukraine’s Investment Potential: Startup mode”--will take place on 2 October, from 16:00-19:30, at the House of Startups (9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg). Speakers will include Svitlana Mykhailovska, Jonas Mercier, Alex Panican, Valeriia Kotsur, Valery Krasovsky and Daria Yaniieva.
Find more information and register for the events and .