David served as the society’s former president from 2018-2021 and stated he and his wife “are honoured to receive this unique membership,” adding that he was “delighted to leave the council in the hands of such a competent and dedicated team headed by the new president Louise Benjamin.”
BLS, founded in 1947, announced last month it had elected Louise Benjamin as its president, the first time for the society to have a woman in the role.
“Our immediate past president, David Clark, has been outstanding over the last three years, his passion has been integral to all the advances which the Society has made in recent times” Benjamin said in Monday’s press statement.
“He leaves the society in a strong position to deepen and maintain the bonds of friendship between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom at a crucial moment in history. On behalf of the council and patrons we also wish to thank Marilyn Clark for welcoming us all into their home and hosting our lively and productive council meetings,” Benjamin added.