Interview: Working at the cemetery

Luxembourg American cemetery superintendent Jennifer Roman is pictured in front of the visitor center 

Jess Bauldry: Tell us a bit about your career with the American Battle Monuments Commission? How did you begin working for the commission and where have you worked previously? 

Jennifer Roman: I only recently joined the American Battle Monuments Commission. I visited a few of the ABMC cemeteries when I was an exchange student in Belgium several years ago. I saw the job posting for an assistant superintendent and felt that it would be rewarding work, so I applied. I joined the ABMC last summer as the assistant superintendent of the Luxembourg American Cemetery. Before joining the ABMC, I worked for the [US] department of veterans affairs in VA hospitals for a few years, serving in a variety of roles. I consider my work at both the ABMC and the VA as a way to serve those who have served our country.

When did you take up post in Luxembourg as superintendent and what does your role entail?

I transitioned to the role of superintendent of the cemetery in June. My role entails overseeing all aspects of the cemetery, including visitor’s services, administration and the horticulture team.

What so far has been the most rewarding part or moment of your time as superintendent of the Luxembourg American Military Cemetery?

It would be difficult for me to choose a specific moment that I found the most rewarding, simply because there are so many. I find interactions with visitors, including family members of service members buried in the cemetery and World War II veterans, to be the most rewarding.

The Luxembourg American Cemetery in Hamm. Photo: Albert Foley/Creative Commons

If someone were to visit the cemetery for the first time, what would be your advice to them?

Sharing the history of the cemetery and the stories of the service members is something that we are very passionate about. I recommend that visitors stop by the visitor center [located to the left of the entrance gate] prior to visiting the cemetery. Staff members are available to answer visitors’ questions. Our visitor center has information about the cemetery, including photos and brochures. We also have a self-guided tour and a family activity booklet available upon request.
We also provide free, guided tours. To schedule a guided tour, we ask that you please contact the cemetery at to schedule one.

What is planned at the cemetery for Veterans Day 2017?

The Luxembourg American Cemetery had scheduled a Veterans Day ceremony on Saturday 11 November. The ceremony starts a 11am. The ceremony is free and open to the public.